Life’s too short to not do what you love. AWAKEN your gifts and jump into your PURPOSE full-time, with this POWERFUL Fully Accredited Certification course.

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There is something you came here to do that only you can do!

There is something you were designed to change in this world that only YOU can change.

The world needs your gifts. You have the power to make real change in the lives of others, and in the world. 

It's time for you to discover what that is, and do it.

With this online Fully Accredited Certification course, including live 1:1 sessions, weekly trainings and 1:1 practice, we’ve got everything you need to awaken your magic, become the most powerful version of yourself you could ever be, make the unique change in the world you came here to make, and... turn your purpose into a full-time life changing career.



Leave your old life behind and Start A New One. This online course will show you step-by-step how to Step into your Souls purpose and become a powerful influential spiritual healer, so you can change the lives of those you are meant to change, and the world, even if you have no experience at all.



There are people looking for what only you have to give. There are people you are destined to transform and they are waiting for you to step up and say yes to your purpose, and do what you came here to do.

You were made for a reason and your experiences in life are your superpower. That thing in the world you wish you could change.. that is the exact thing you are meant to transform and once you discover this and learn how to do it, you will not only fulfill your destiny, you will also become prosperous in the process.


With this course, you will:

  • Discover and hone in on what you came here to do so you can fulfill your destiny
  • Awaken & Enhance your healing abilities so you can make a real and profound impact in your own life and in the lives of others
  • Become your most confident powerful self where things align for you on autopilot
  • Learn how to Manifest Your Soul Purpose Dream Life so you can live the freedom based prosperous life you desire to live
  • Become Nationally & Internationally Certified in 5 Different Modalities making you a unique and diverse spiritual healer so you can be the change you wish to see
  • Learn how to turn your purpose into your profits and launch your freedom based business helping those you are meant to liberate, in less than 6 months making a real and lasting impact in this world


After just a few short months, you’ll have everything you need to transform the lives of others, start making money with your gifts, and live a freedom based lifestyle that prospers you, in a way that not only serves your purpose, it also brings you joy. You came to this earth to be free. With this course you can work from anywhere in the world, and prosper. Changing the lives and the futures of your friends, your family, your *clients, and the world.


*You do not need to have clients or any experience, or know exactly what you are here to change in order to enroll. Inside the purpose to profits course we tap into your purpose and your mission together through our proprietary Soul Purpose discovery process, and then we help you build a business that reflects what you are truly here to do. All you have to know is that you are ready for a new life and that your heart wants to help others.

If you already know your purpose and are working with clients now, in addition to adding more healing modalities, skills and power to your tool chest, we work together to put your genius into action at a higher level, so you can come out of hiding, step up, and become a magnet to your dream ideal clients.

 Phase 1

Your Soul Purpose Dream Life

Crafting Your Ideal Soul Purpose Dream Life is a major piece in setting the foundation for your new life. Creating A New Vision For Your Life Is Where The Magic Is. This module includes:

  • Exact Step By Step Process To Create A New Soul Purpose Dream Life Vision And How To Manifest It Fast
  • "The Life Map": Your Personal Life Map & The Tools To Make It A Reality
  • Divine Effect Hypnosis Sessions To Program Your Subconscious Mind For The Fulfillment Of Your Deepest Soul Desires
  • Manifesting Rituals To Manifest With Spirit

After this module, you’ll begin to realize your life manifesting they way you desire, right before your very eyes. Set yourself up for success with a clear vision for you and your family.




Connect with your dormant abilities and awaken your psychic powers. Spiritual Healer Training. This module includes:

  • Activating Your Healer Codes
  • Awakening Your Psychic Abilities
  • Using Your Abilities To Transform Your Life
  • Returning To Your Feminine Power
  • 1:1 Client Practice. Begin Practicing Your Abilities on your in course partner, your friends and family & your clients
  • Goddess Alchemy Certifications. Take your gifts out into the world and begin attracting new clients who need you
  • Transformation of your money beliefs to abundant flow. Being paid for being you and loving it

After this module, you’ll be back in your core Divine Feminine power, healing those you love, and connected with the Divine like never before. Attract your Soul mate clients and be a vessel for a new world. In this phase you will have people who need you show up from "out of the blue". Step into your power and transform the world.




Inner World Transformation. Becoming The Healed Healer. In this phase you will learn inner transformational tools that you can use on yourself, your family, and your clients. This module includes: 

  • Past Life Regression Sessions: Healing the Healers Wound & Activating Past Life Gifts
  • Coming Out Of Hiding And Confidently Sharing Your Gifts With The World
  • Inner world transformation. Reprogramming your mind and body for success
  • Tapping Your Fullest Potential. Walking The Embodied Spiritual Healer Path. Your Queen Core Confidence Codes
  • Dream Ideal Client Attraction Sessions Making you a magnet for those who need you

After this Module, you’ll be ready to launch your coaching practice and/or expand it into new horizons. Having the confidence and the success tools you need to prosper while serving the world with your gifts. Enjoy the new launch of your freedom based lifestyle.



Turn your purpose into a prosperous business that is scaleable. In this module we set the foundation for your dream ideal business that is unique to you and your gifts, so that you can live a freedom based lifestyle while changing the world with your gifts. Set the foundations to prosper for the long run. This module includes:

  • Soul Purpose Business Strategy 1:1 Session 
  • Spiritual Life Coaching Certification
  • Exact Strategies to leverage your genius on autopilot and attract your dream ideal clients in droves
  • Clarity around your long term path. Setting the foundations for long term success
  • Build Your Business and live a laptop lifestyle

Congratulations, you’ve now turned your purpose into your profits, changed the lives of many people including yours and your family's, and started a freedom based business you love! All while being able to work from anywhere in the world, and live a life of true freedom and prosperity while you do it! 












Every person is unique and has a unique Soul Purpose. Get 1:1 support from someone who knows what it’s like to launch a Soul Purpose based creative empire, and who has coached thousands of women helping them to discover their true Soul purposes too. During this session you will:

  • Connect to your true Soul Purpose Through Your Astrology
  • Create a map to success to ensure you fulfill your destiny this time around
  • See if you're a fit for the Purpose To Profits Accredited Certification Course

You’ll leave this 1:1 session with a clear vision of where you want to grow and how you’re going to get there. On average, students who meet with a coach or mentor individually, make their dreams come true 10x faster than those who don’t. This bonus is yours free with the scheduling of your Purpose To Profits Discovery Session.


Click Here To Book Your Session Now


From a young age, I learned that I could use my abilities to help heal the world. I can’t wait to help you uncover your innate gifts to transform your life, the lives of those you love, and the lives of those you are meant to touch with your magic.

Everyone has the capability to awaken their spiritual power and transform their lives with it. How do I know? Because I have seen it again and again with the women I work with. Even the ones who didn't think they had anything "special" about them at all, are now running thriving Soul purpose freedom based businesses doing what they love... with their gifts. Some of us just need a little more help bringing that inner magic to life. Once you discover that side of yourself, you are free to be unapologetically you, and make money for doing so.

I believe everyone has the ability to change the world, and it is our innate duty to do so. Once you know the map, have the connection, and awaken your gifts... it is game over. 

Through this course, I help and guide you to make your own impact in the world around you, and teach you how to turn your purpose into your profts.

Whether you’re already a healer and want to expand your gifts and your reach, Or, you are brand new to this world, I can, and will help you, make your dreams a reality. I look forward to taking this beautiful and life transformative journey together.






Queen Of Rapid Transformation
Founder of Goddess Alchemy: Purpose To Profits™ & Creating Your Life By Design

Divine Feminine Soul Purpose & Manifesting Mentor, Gifted Intuitive, Master Reiki Healer, GrandMaster Money Reiki Practitioner, Master Kundalini Reiki Practitioner, Licensed Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Certified Money Coach, Certified Life Coach, Certified Social and Emotional Intelligence Coach, Certified Motivational Coach, Certified Weight Loss Coach, Author, Speaker, Master Healer, Creator of The Divine Effect® & Goddess Alchemy Reiki, Goddess Money Reiki, Divine Feminine Spiritual Teacher, Soul Purpose Business Mentor, Fully Accredited Trainer.

Randina's Training & Certification Programs Are Nationally & Internationally Accredited.

"I work with women to Awaken their Feminine Power to create their lives by their own design. I transform their inner programming to match their dreams and desires, guide them through the discovery of their true Souls Purpose, and I teach them how to turn it into a mission driven business they have passion for. In other words, I teach you how to manifest a Spiritually blessed life you love, while getting paid for the gift that is you."



The Power To Create Your Life By Your Own Design Is Within You, and I will show you how to awaken it. 



Everything You Need To Build A Freedom Based Purpose Driven Life 

Book your free discovery session here to tune into your true purpose, your mission on earth, and discover if purpose to profits is right for you.

Click Here To Book